Much To Learn
I was reading an article by Jim Rapoza in eWeekLabs yesterday (Vol 23 published 9 October) entitled "How to Spot Fake Blogs". Boy, do I have a lot to learn! Integrated feeds based on RSS and Atom, trackbacks, a ping feature that is different from the standard TCP/IP type of ping, which enables a blog to notify aggregators and other web sites whenever new content is added, blogroll features and administration, security, and anti-spam features...........good thing I know some very talented e-marketing folks here in Atlanta because there is no way I'm going to figure out all of these things on my own. So how does the average Joe (or Patrick) go about creating a blog that has all of these items recommended by Jim. Is there a blog provider that automatically downloads these items when you sign on to their service? I wonder. Guess I'll just have to do some investigation and get back to you with my findings later. Meanwhile, it's a rainy day in Georgia, but the Hawks beat Miami over the weekend and I was at the game with Joe. Every Dad should take his son to a basketball game. You get to eat incredibly expensive hot dogs, yell your head off and have a barrel of fun.
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