Saturday, October 28, 2006

Busy Saturday

Joe started the journey to "purple" this morning. He had his private lesson at 09:30 sharp and the interesting thing about it was that he actually yelled at me from the front door at 09:00 to say that he would be waiting in the car. Two months ago I used to drag him out of the house and make him attend his Saturday sparring session......but then six weeks ago we started the private lessons and his confidence factor just went off the scale. If only Dad had figured that out a year ago, we could have avoided so much conflict. Now he's a Green Belt sitting in the car waiting for Dad to "hurry up and get him to class".

So the burning question this evening is, "how can I get our customers in the car waiting for me to hurry up and do something for them?" More importantly, how can I get our customers to communicate? I send them emails and about a quarter bounce because of bad addresses, a quarter delete with opening. Have we gotten so pathetic that they just don't want to know anymore? Sorry if that sounds paranoid, but we have the big boys coming in from London tomorrow and Monday and Tuesday don't look promising. Lots of questions ahead and I just don't have all the answers......okay, probably too much truth on a Saturday evening, but what the hell, a little truth never really hurt, did it?

Seth says to be remarkable. Yea, really simple. Just create this huge Purple Cow, do permission marketing, astound everyone and get to bed by nine! I need a glass of wine!

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