Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Today, Again.............

Watching Bill Maher at the moment (remember that you need balance to ensure you have perspective)and also just thinking about the fact that the House passed the "We Have Declared Defeat in Iraq" bill today. Sorry. I'm a former Marine as many folks know and I find it difficult to accept a group of politicians that think the way to build their political fortune is to participate in the downfall of this country. Shall we go ahead and line up the aircraft carriers so that we can heave the helicopters off the sides once they have evacuated the flag and few remaining politicians?

I'm a pretty reasonable guy most of the time and I'm also a very practical person who isn't afraid of reality. No, it isn't going well in Iraq and I have serious doubts about the current administration's ability to lead us out of this horrible situation. But I can't abide sacrificing our country's honor for the sake of political expediency. Can we just stop the shit politics and have a reasonable discussion about what to do about this situation that most of the politicians in office today voted to engage? I'm not siding with Bush here folks. I siding with America! It's not personal and it is certainly not meant to offend anyone.

If you had a company in trouble then you would want to consider all the possibilities and make the most prudent decisions about the future based on what is best for the whole company, not just the shareholders or the employees or the Board. It's the same way in this situation. It isn't just what's best for the troops or what is best for either political party. What is best for America folks? Have we really had a decent debate about "What's Best For America"?

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