Friday, March 23, 2007

Ramblings on a Friday Afternoon

I started reading a book last evening after all the basketball madness that I had picked up several weeks ago and at 3 a.m. this morning I finally made myself put it down and went to bed. The book is "Get Out Of Your Own Way, The Five Keys to Surpassing Everyone's Expectations" and it's written by Robert K. Cooper, PhD. His website is I won't go into any detail except to say it is an interesting read if you want to know more about how your brain works, both for you and against you.

One chapter was entitled "To Get Out of the Box, You Have to See the Box" and explains how your brain works in adverse circumstances. I could not help however relating the title of the chapter to much of what is happening in the world today and especially with the current administration. Another quote from the book came from the writer Walker Percy who said that a tragedy of our modern life is that everything is interesting, but nothing becomes deeply important. We watch John & Elizabeth Edwards talk calmly about a form of cancer that cannot be cured, but hopefully managed for some years to come if Elizabeth responds well to the various treatments ahead of her. But they probably won't grow old together and she probably won't live long enough to truly enjoy her Grandchildren. We watch the evening news and see the tragedy called Darfur with hundreds of thousands killed and nearly three million displaced persons. We read every morning about the latest U.S. Military casualties and think how awful it must be for the parents of those brave men and women who are killed and maimed. But do we truly see the Box and are these things deeply important to us?

I have spent most of my life being a Conservative and with a few exceptions that has meant being a Republican. You know, the Party of Lincoln, Goldwater and Regan. I'm struggling with that label this afternoon, perhaps more so since any other time in my life with the possible exception of the early 70's.

Okay, sorry for being so deep this early in the day and without even the benefit of a glass of wine. It just seems that we are living in a very difficult period and I sometimes want to climb to the top of the house and scream, "Does Anyone Care"? Of course I don't because my neighbor would probably call the fire department to have me taken down and away.

Okay, Carolina and USC tonight and then hopefully on to the regional final against Georgetown if my guess is right. I went to the Hawks game on Wednesday and had a chance to see a healthy Shaq play a really solid game. The Hawks were never really in it after the first period although they did make an attempt late in the 4th period and cut it to 3 before Miami surged back ahead. Still, an enjoyable game and fun to watch.

I'll sign off now as I have to drop my tickets for tonight's game off with a friend. I decided to stay home and watch the Carolina game instead. Go Tarheels!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!