Friday, June 01, 2007

On-Line Again

I just realized (with the help of my sister Mary and brother Joe) that I have not posted in over two weeks. I guess that birthday just kicked the heck out of me; what with me being so much older and getting more feeble!

Anyway, sorry for drifting away. I have actually been having a relatively good time since my last note to you folks. I am in the process of examining three job opportunities while they are in the process of examining me. Fair enough I suppose...........we all want to get it right and we all want to make a good decision.

Joe got his first stripe on his green belt just before he took off to Europe with his Mom and Ellie. (See photo above.) He also graduated from elementary school and is off to middle school next term..........(look up again for the photo's). Smart kid, that son of mine! I guess he takes after his know, good looking and smart too.

Reading Al Gore's new book, "The Assault On Reason". Never thought I'd say this, but he makes a lot of sense and I think I actually regret not voting for him in 2000. I guess a lot of conservatives are feeling the same way at this moment if they would be honest with themselves, which is why I'd like to see the guy put his hat in the ring. I would vote for him because I've gotten to know him over the past eight years and I realize that he was the perfect example of a book being judged by its was a tragic mistake for the whole country and given what I've learned about the Florida results, it was an election that should have been clarified by the real voter count and not a Supreme Court decision to hand the election to Bush. I know this will come as a shock to a lot of my family and friends, but while still a conservative I am tired of this administration and I'm tired of hearing the American body count on television every evening. We need to stop this bloody war and I am so disappointed in the Democratic Party for backing down to Bush..............okay.....I admit I've been on the fence for far too long..........but I've seen the light and I realize that we can't win this thing given our current approach. We need to change and we need a leader to has the credibility to lead change............Gore has the credibility unlike most of the folks who have entered the race thus far. I think we have had enough of the Clinton's and Bush's and need some new blood. I like Gore because he seems genuinely not interested in running and the good Lord knows we need someone with just a bit of humility at the moment.

Anyway, I've now posted and will try to resume doing so regularly. Life is too short to do otherwise.

Goodnite Folks.

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