Wednesday, November 15, 2006

CEO Boot Camp

After midnight and I'm just finishing up with my review of today's material. Was it worth the price? Absolutely! Don't know what I'm talking about? Well then, go to the TAG website ( and explore events and read about the CEO Boot Camp, or just wait until later in the week and I'll tell you all about it. Bottom line? Best program I've attended in probably 10 years..........practical, concise and most important it is real-world advice from a guy who has been there, got the video and written four books about the experience. Check it out folks. It is WTPOA! (Worth the Price of Admission)

By the way, the canal doesn't have anything to do with this post. It's a photo from our home town in the Netherlands (Leiden), home to Rembrandt and one of the largest teaching hospitals in Europe, plus a center of excellence for the care of patients with leukemia. I thought I'd share it with you this evening because quite frankly I'm a bit homesick.


Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Hi Patrick, I just found out you are not at your position anymore, and wanted to let you know I wanted to catch up with you. Can you email me? Thanks, Jeannie